Sunday, 12 February 2017


As Valentine's Day is upon us once more, I wanted to take the opportunity to express my uber conventional view on why I think it's all a load of overrated rubbish! 

Before you ask, no I am not single and bitter; I am in a happy relationship with someone I care about very much. But I hated Valentine's Day before I was in a relationship and my feelings on the matter haven't changed just because I'm all loved up...

In my humble opinion, I think Valentine's Day is such a commercialised fad! It's a time when men in particular, sorry but blame society, are expected to shell out on a bunch of wiltering flowers, a box of crappy chocolates and dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town to show how much they care for their beloved. 

I'm sorry, but I certainly don't need to book the 14th February into my diary as a reminder to tell my partner how much he means to me. Nor do I want him to feel like he needs to spend money on me to show me that I'm special to him. The mere thought of it just embarrasses the hell out of me! 

There's also this stupid tradition of proposing on Valentine's Day; it would be my worst nightmare! I don't think there's anything intimate or special about proposing on the most 'romantic', and coincidentally the most commercialised day of the year. It doesn't reflect anything about your relationship for a start! I would much rather be proposed to in a far more natural setting, rather than a date type setting with every other couple from the local area being witness to one of the most special moments of your life. 

(P.S- If my boyfriend is reading this, all this talk about proposing and engagements is not a hint I swear!)

What irritates me the most about this stupid day, is how competitive a simple notion of love, affection and intimacy has become on social media! As much as I hate the thought of Valentine's Day, if people want to celebrate it in private then by all means, they should. But it's not just a private affair anymore and that's what irritates me endlessly!

I'm sorry, but I do not need to see how many red roses you received, nor do I care if you were given a giant human-sized teddy bear. And to make matters worse, these kind of posts are always accompanied with lame captions such as ''my boo x'' and ''been spoiled *love heart face*''.

Leave your narcissism and giant teddy-bears behind closed doors please, and preferably away from any social media platform where I can see it. And as for Valentine's Day itself, if people really want to celebrate it then by all means they should.  But if I was able to spend Valentine's Day with my boyfriend (stupid long distance), I would shy away from buying into commercialised tacky crap and focus on spending quality time together.

Because time is the best gift you can give (cute, right?)

Antonia x 



  1. LOVE this post!! I hate valentines day too & i'm in a happy relationship😂 Definitely agree with the part about everyone treating it like a competition!
    Great post lovely!
    Love, Melissa x

    1. Thanks very much, I'm glad you agree! The competition element to the day really is the worst bit of all!

      Thanks for leaving your link- I love looking at new blogs!

      Antonia x

  2. HAHA. Love this post! I'm not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day and everyone knows it. I definitely feel like the ever-rising use of social media kicks people into some sort of competing mode for the best experiences and gifts *rolls eyes*

    Tamsyn Elizabeth
    Peaches and Bear

    1. Haha me too! Completely relate to how annoying it can all be!

      Antonia x

  3. I am so so with you on this. I've always hated valentines whether in a relationship or single. I personally call it Hallmark Day. Social media makes me want to vom on valentines!

    1. Oh that's brilliant! I shall be sure to adopt that for next year, because it's a very apt description!

      Antonia x


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