Wednesday, 4 January 2017

HELLO 2017

I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks but I'm actually really glad I made the decision to have some time off. 4 weeks off for Christmas hols sounded so ideal at first, but what with looming essay deadlines and family/friends engagements, I simply haven't had the time to even think about posting. I am sad I didn't make the most out of Blogmas and the festive season for blog posts, but it's made me all the more determined to start blogging again now the new year is here! 

What a year 2016 was, ey? It saw some seriously curveball political events take place (I'm still reeling over Trump) as well as some awful tragedies, which the entire world mourned over. It certainly was a special year for me. I survived my first year at university (fist pumps), I started blogging again (yay!) and I've become a student journalist for my university's student newspaper. That said, it's also been one of my difficult years of my life....

I'm very open about my experiences at university, because I believe that it is placed on a ridiculously high pedestal which promotes dangerous expectations about what uni life should be like. I'll be the first to admit that some of the best times of my life have been at university, but it's also a place where I've experienced some of the biggest lows. I seem to be at a constant battle with my stress levels and anxiety but now I'm in second year, I'm beginning to find my feet so much more. 

I'm fully aware of how many 'New Year Resolutions' posts are circulating around the blogging world, but I really wanted to write one. I think it's so important to set goals for yourself, particularly at the beginning of a new year which could symbolise that all important new chapter in your life. 

In relation to my blog, I know I'm still so new to it all but I'm really enjoying writing posts. At the moment, my blog contains a lot of lifestyle, a few beauty posts and the occasional ramble or two which I'm really happy writing. I feel so embarrassed to say it, but my photography game isn't as strong as I'd want it to be. When I'm reading other blog posts with amazingly artistic snapshots, my confidence is knocked back so much. I know it's completely irrational (after-all, the most important part of blogging is the content you post) but I can't help but feel really inadequate compared to the rest of the blogging world I follow. But I am so happy to say that, that irrational thought process is well and truly being left behind in 2016.

This year, I am going to seize every opportunity on offer to me and indeed, make opportunities happen. I would love to work with brands, attend blogger events and be really consistent with my blog. I think a schedule, which prompts me to post regularly, will really help me. I keep putting extra pressure on myself but I need to just sit back (and I would advise other bloggers who feel under pressure, to do the same) and to just dwell over what I have accomplished. I started my blog in late October 2016, during the peak of my assignments. In the space of less than 3 months, I have seen my blog grow and my list of networking opportunities flourish and I couldn't be happier. 

So yes, while I vow to post more regularly, I am not putting pressure on myself. I will post when I have something meaningful to say and as for my photography skills, they're naturally bound to develop over time (I won't be getting my hands on a Canon camera anytime soon, so it looks like it's me and my trusty Iphone in it together for the long haul!)

I want to do really well in my exams and to finish second year on a high. I hate the seemingly singular mindset at uni which is 'you only need 40%' to pass'. Yes, but that's not what anyone should be aiming for and it's certainly not where I want to be. I want to do the absolute best I can across all of my modules and really, I don't have any excuses. 1st year was completely different. The modules I took were extremely broad, designed to appeal to the entire cohort of students and I struggled so much. But this year, I am taking modules which I am genuinely interested in about topics which genuinely interest me. 

In regards to my work as a student writer, first and foremost I need to remember that it is in fact a society and not a job! I absolutely love writing for Redbrick (it's the best decision I've made at uni) but again, I need to stop putting pressure on myself to write. That said, I would love to write for Lifestyle a lot more and I am excited to continue writing opinionated pieces for Comment, because I love reading them back and feeling incredibly sassy (sorry but not sorry). 

In the summer, I'm hoping that local employers in my home time understand the struggles of a student and actually hire me (I'm so tired of explaining that I'm a student and no, I can't agree to a 6 month contract), I hope to get some really useful work experience placements again and I hope to travel to some lovely places with my boyfriend (I'm desperately trying to persuade him that New York is always a good idea!)

But most of all, I just want to be happy and make the most out of the opportunities on offer to me. Happy New Year!



  1. Hi Antonia, I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award, so if you want to, you can check out my post over on my blog.

    Hannah |

  2. I wanted to reach out to you to say never feel like your blog has to be compared to others. I know that's harder to do than say, but we're all at different stages in our journey and you're still learning! Anything you want to do with your blog, you'll achieve it, I'm sure of it! x

    1. Thank you for your kind words! Really appreciate it x


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