The Ultimate Carbon Kit for teeth whitening is a great place to start off when trialling the brand. The kit includes the Activated Charcoal Tooth Polish, Activated Charcoal Toothpaste, a toothbrush and a bag to keep all of your Carbon Coco goodies inside.
For best results, simply wet your toothbrush and dip the end into the charcoal tooth polish jar to begin with (you don't need very much at all!) and brush your teeth as normal. Although the black polish on your teeth looks a little alarming at first, it's very gentle on your teeth and comes off with ease! After 2-3 minutes of brushing, rinse and brush with the toothpaste.
The Activated Charcoal Toothpaste is suitable for use after using the tooth polish at night. It's black in appearance but turns into a white foam like any other toothpaste while brushing (and has exactly the same minty flavour!)
I've been using the products for a few days now and can already visibly see the difference in the appearance of my teeth. As a coffee lover, it's important for me to take extra provisions in my dental care regime to offset any stains and I really like how the tooth polish and toothpaste go hand in hand for best results.
Check out their website here and be quick to use their January Flash Sale Discount Code: JAN20!
Antonia x
It is so good to read about this review of the dental whitening kit. When it comes to my dental care and treatments I only trust my family Torrance dentist. I just cannot dare trying these DIY dental whitening kits because they might contain harmful chemicals. Recently got the whitening treatment from our dentist and it was much more effective and safe!