Sunday, 8 October 2017


Help, I'm officially a 3rd year and that means I have to actually get my life together before I (gulp) become a proper adult?!

I've enjoyed my time at uni so much and I really feel like I've found myself, as corny and cliched as that may sound. I've discovered that living in a city is a little bit of me, that I love living by myself and I've learned to not stress quite so much. 

So here's my guide for making the most out of your uni experience now that freshers is out of the way....

Get to know where you live 
I instantly fell in love with Birmingham when I came up for Open Day, almost three years ago now! Coming from a small town, it was quite an adjustment to live in a big city with so much going on all the time, so it was so important for me to spend weekends in the city getting to know the place where I'd be living for the next three years. 

Try all the nights out 
I think going out is undoubtedly an important part of uni life but more importantly perhaps, is widening out! Every uni seems to have a go-to student night, but it can become boring and repetitive if you just stick to one or two nights a week in the same places. I've tried lots of different nights at Birmingham, including a jazz and soul night at The Jam House, and it has been one of my favourite nights of uni so far. So get out there and try it all! 

Invest your time in a society
Societies fairs are so overwhelming, so over-subscribing to lots of societies is easily done. My advice? Invest lots of time in the society which appeals to you the most. I didn't get involved with my student newspaper Redbrick in first year, but getting fully stuck in by second year was the best decision I ever made! 

Utilise your independence
I'm a firm believer that university is about far more than wearing graduation robes and getting a fancy diploma by the end of your experience. This is my first time living away from home and although I've always valued myself as a pretty independent gal, I have flourished even more living by myself. This is the time to get better at cooking for yourself or budgeting for the week as ultimately, those are the types of skills which you will need for the rest of your life. Hone those skills in now and you will be set on your way for adulthood, gulp!

Widen your friendship circles
Relying on just your first year flatmates for friendships throughout your entire uni experience is a huge gamble. Most of the time yes, you will get on with your flatmates and stay close throughout the entirety of your degree. But it happens all too often that flatmates can fall out or drift, so make sure you widen your friendship circles to your block, your course and of course, any societies or sports you choose to get involved with.

Be Yourself 
Cliched yes, but oh the truth of it! There is no point in creating some kind of new identity for yourself while you're at uni. Be you, through and through and you'll be set to making lasting friendships. 

Antonia x 



  1. Loved this! Just going into my final year of uni and agree with so much of what you’ve said 🙌🏼 Emily x
    EVHXO EDIT | Why It’s Okay To Not Have Your Shit Together


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