Monday, 1 May 2017


The fact that Summer is on its way is the one thing that's getting me through the exam season and spurring me on to revise! So as a means of cheering myself up and anyone else for that matter who is feeling drained by their surroundings, here's a list of my favourite things to look forward to about Summer! 

1) Walks by the river
I'm lucky enough to live by the River Thames so walks by the river are definitely one of my Summer highlights. My favourite time to go for a walk is in the evening when the sun is setting!

2) Pub Gardens
There's just something really nice and relaxing about sitting in a pub garden with a beer or a glass of wine and catching up with friends while the sun is shining! 

3) Travelling 
Summer is the perfect time to travel and visit the places you've always wanted to. I love filling up my summer with lots of adventures; this year, I'm lucky enough to be visiting Mallorca, Rome and Corfu but who knows where else I could end up! 

4) Long bike rides and picnics
One of my favourite things to do in summer is to go for a long bike ride with my family and find a nice spot to have a picnic!

5) Sunsets 
Sunsets genuinely make me so happy! The most beautiful sunset I've ever watched was at a sunset view restaurant on top of a cliff in Corfu. Ahhh, take me back! 

6) Camping Out 
I am a very outdoorsy person, so camp outs definitely makes the list of my favourite things about summer! I love sitting around the campfire and watching the sun set! 

7) Day Festivals 
As much as I love camping, camping out at festivals is far from my idea of fun! Yet day festivals are definitely on the rise and they're so much fun to be at. This year I will be going to Made festival in Birmingham and potentially South West Four! 

8) Beaches 
I absolutely love sitting on a beach with a good book to hand! 

9) Lazy summer evenings 
The days are longer in summer which means lazy summer evenings in the garden with drinks and listening to music are commonplace. 

10) The feel of the sun on your skin 
Us Brits aren't particularly blessed with good weather all year round, so it's a lovely feeling when the sun is out and you can feel it beating down on your skin! 

What are you most looking forward to about summer? Drop a comment below! 

Antonia x 



  1. I totally agree with you on pub gardens, it's one of the best things about summer. I'm most looking forward to being able to wear summer clothes again, I'm itching to get my sandals and floaty skirts out!
    Juliet |

    1. Couldn't agree with you more! Layers and wearing nothing but navy, black and grey is boring me senseless! X

  2. This post makes me very excited for Summer! :) xx

  3. I ride my bike all year round so summer does not change much for me. But I do love long evening, drinking on the terrasse and going to the beach! Summer is amazing: warmer temperature, longer day, relaxing feeling... xx corinne

    1. Couldn't agree more! Thanks for reading xx

  4. Pub gardens and sunsets have got to be my two favourite things about summer, there's nothing I love more than good company, pub food and a gorgeous view to watch x

  5. This post made me feel happy :) - Bike rides are amazing come summer time, which reminds me... I have no bike! ....Sunsets are also my fave! Luckily, I love right by the beach so I can watch them :)

    Rosie Mauu xx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So lucky! Thank you for reading! X


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