Tuesday, 5 July 2016


So I recently escaped to Brittany along the Northern coast of France in a little hamlet called Planguenoual and it was absolutely beautiful. Although the weather was unpredictable, with rain falling in crazy chaotic drops some days and the gentle heat of the sun on others, we were lucky to explore several of Brittany's hidden gems. 

Here's a list of 4 of my favourite spots along the North-Western coast of France....

Saint Quay Portrieux (pictured above)
The sun shone for our arrival at the beautiful sandy bay of Saint Quay! There was an abundance of cafes and bars to choose from. I formed a serious addiction to galettes during this holiday, so I had a delicious ham and cheese one for lunch. There were so many cute touristy shops to browse in and I loved going on the diving board in the pool, even if the water was absolutely freezing. 

Port de Dahouet
This was the cutest little port village, which overlooked the sea. I loved walking through the cobbled streets and looking at the cottages with wooden shutters and this was my favourite one. I love the rose bush! There was lots of interesting arty graphics painted onto the sides of houses too. My favourite one was of a couple from what looks like the 40s strolling along.

Pleneuf Val Andre 
It was slightly more rainy and grey on this day so we browsed around the shops and had a lovely dinner at a seaside restaurant. I satisfied my craving for moules in a white wine sauce avec frites,with lots and lots of wine!

Fort la Latte
This was my favourite day of the trip! We had some glorious sun (yay!) and we visited a castle. It was absolutely breathtaking. I love how it was completely surrounded by the sea.

Did you go anyway exciting this Summer?

Antonia x 

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